11 Skin Care Home Remedies

home skincare remedies

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Are there skincare home remedies? Yes! Taking care of your skin is always one of our primary concerns. 

To complement skincare routines, you can take advantage of the benefits of Mother Nature with the well-known home remedies to care for your skin.

Fortunately, we can find many natural ingredients in our kitchen, pantry, or garden that can help us achieve healthy and flawless skin without breaking the bank. 

In this blog post, I will share some of the best skincare home remedies you can try at home using simple and effective ingredients you already have.

How Can I Treat My Skin Naturally At Home?

Beauty or health is part of a set of good habits, not a single technique or treatment.

There is no point in spending money and time on a beauty method if you continue eating poorly, sleeping little, and letting stress rule your life. 

Several areas must be worked together to achieve the perfect beauty anyone aspires to.

RemedySkin Health ComponentsBenefits
Aloe vera

Its leaves contain numerous antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E

Curcumin, Antioxidants
Strengthen and repair your skin.Eliminate dirt and accumulated toxins.Moisturize and balance your skin.
Boost collagen production and anti-inflammatory properties,
Orange/Lemon Juice (Diluted)Vitamin C, citric acid, antioxidantsBrightening dark spots, improving elasticity and firmness, improves moisturization
HoneyGlucose, sucrose, and antioxidantsHome remedy for eczema and psoriasis, improves wound healing and scar fading
Milk and dairy productsTyrosine, lactic acid, Vitamins D and AIt may reduce dark spots, may improve facial tone
Olive OilAntioxidants, Vitamins A, D, E and KDamage healing, UV protection, improving skin glow
CucumberAntioxidants, Folic acid, VitaminsAnti-inflammatory helps to balance skin pH, decreases puffy skin, curbs irritation, and hydrates
Coconut OilAnti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and healing propertiesSoothe, moisturize,  calm chronic rashes, and protect your skin from various issues
OatmealIt contains saponins, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and proteinsoatmeal flakes to exfoliate your face and remove dead cells that accumulate and clog pores. Nourish, soften, and brighten skin.
PapayaPapain, chymopapain, vitaminsAntiviral, antifungal, antibacterial propertiesreduces wrinkles, decreases the risk of acne, exfoliates, and leaves the skin glowing
Besan maskBesan flourHelps to exfoliate when used as a mask or scrub

How To Use Skincare Home Remedies

Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is excellent after being in the sun. 

To fully enjoy the benefits of aloe vera gel, applying it gently on your face using your fingertips is recommended. 

Avoid massaging the gel too much, as it may dry out your skin. Simply dab the gel on your face for the best results.

Cut a part of the stem and open it horizontally. Only use a thin layer of the gel. There’s no need to slather it on. 

For best results, leave the aloe vera gel on your face for about 10 minutes, then rinse your face with cool water and pat dry. 


Overusing aloe vera gel can negatively affect your skin, causing your skin to produce too much oil. 

This can lead to issues like clogged pores, inflammation, and acne breakouts. 

If you are new to using aloe vera gel on your skin, it’s best to leave it on for no longer than 10 minutes, then rinse it off immediately. 

However, diluting the gel with another moisturizing liquid, such as olive oil or milk, is recommended if you want to leave the gel on for a more extended period. 

This will help prevent any potential skin irritation and ensure your skin stays healthy and nourished.


Fruits are delicious to eat at any time of the day and can also serve as a mask.

You can treat yourself one day a week (for example, Sunday) and enjoy their benefits. 

For example, mix a few sliced strawberries with a few tablespoons of yogurt and apply it to your cleansed face. 

Leave it on for about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Turmeric (Skin Type- Dry & Oil)

Blessed with anti-bacterial properties, Turmeric is one divine spice that will never let you down. 

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant that helps in achieving that wonderful glow. 

It has curcumin, which is an anti-inflammatory agent and helps eliminate puffiness

Turmeric gives your skin a glow, rejuvenates it, and prevents dullness.

To prepare a face pack using turmeric powder, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a cup of gram flour (chickpea flour).

Add enough milk or water to the mixture to make a smooth paste. Next, mix well with a few drops of rose water to the paste. 

Apply the paste on your face and neck, and allow it to dry. Finally, rinse your face with cool water.

How To Use Honey For Home Remedies

Honey is an excellent moisturizer and helps to keep the skin well-hydrated. It is suitable for Oily, Acne-Prone, and combination skin types.

Honey’s anti-bacterial properties help ward off infections and reduce blemishes and acne.  

To manage skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis, apply honey to the affected area or mix it with olive or coconut oil. 

Honey ensures spotless skin. It is rich in bleaching properties and helps fade pigmentation and scars.

You can apply honey on your face and neck on clean, damp skin. 

Massage for a few minutes, allowing it to get absorbed by the skin, and wash off with lukewarm water.


Oats work as an efficient anti-tanning agent and help lighten the skin tone. They are excellent exfoliators.

Oats are a good source of zinc, which is vital for fighting acne in all skin types. 

They also help absorb excess oil on the skin and are essential to acne treatments; treat dry and itchy skin by moisturizing it with beta-glucans.

Mix around 2 tablespoons of oats with 3 tablespoons of yogurt. Add around half a lemon to it and mix well.

Wash your face with warm water and then pass the flakes in a circular motion as if you were giving a massage.  

Apply this paste to your skin and leave for 10 to 15  minutes; wash with cold water and pat dry.

Coconut oil: Research shows that Its fatty acids help to retain moisture, heal wounds, and calm chronic rashes. 

Coconut oil can gently and effectively remove makeup, dirt, and impurities from your skin. 

Simply massage a small amount of warm coconut oil onto your face; let it soak in for a few minutes before washing off with your regular cleanser.

For oily or acne-prone skin, Coconut oil can clog your pores and cause breakouts if you use too much or too often. Excellent for Dry, Normal-Dry. 

How To Use Almonds & Bananas For Home Skincare Remedies

Bananas are great for our skin (Skin Type- Dry). They are rich in potassium, vitamins A and B, etc. 

They hydrate and moisturize our skin. They also have powerful anti-aging effects. They help prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

Bananas are excellent for treating acne and pimples and are perfect for treating acne scars and pigmentation.

Mash a banana, apply it to your skin, and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water. 

To make a facemask, use 1 ripe banana, 1 tsp honey, and lemon juice.

Banana peels also help in lightening our skin tone and dark circles. Gently rub banana peels on your skin. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with water. Pat dry.

To Use Almonds home skincare remedies (Skin Type-All)

Almonds are a great source of Vitamin E and antioxidants suitable for our skin. 

When we use almond oil to massage our skin regularly, it helps to keep it healthy and glowing. Almond oil can also help to prevent fine lines and wrinkles from appearing. 

Almond oil is an excellent moisturizer that can help keep your skin hydrated and free from acne. 

It can also reduce the appearance of stretch marks and dark circles. 

To use almond oil as a skin treatment, you can crush soaked almonds in milk to form a paste. 

Apply the paste onto your skin and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then, rinse off with cold water and pat your skin dry. 

Alternatively, massage your skin with almond oil for 5-10 minutes daily to maintain youthful-looking skin.


If you suffer from oily skin, you can beat an egg white with lemon juice (just two drops) and oatmeal and let it sit on your face for fifteen minutes once a week. 

It will help you balance fat levels and will also hydrate. Remember only to use it at night to avoid sunspots.

Can I Apply Coffee On Face Daily?

No! Coffee has many benefits for your skin, such as reducing inflammation, exfoliating dead skin cells, brightening dark spots, and tightening pores. 

However, coffee also has some drawbacks, such as drying out your skin and causing irritation.

You can enhance the benefits of coffee by adding other natural ingredients to your face masks, such as honey, yogurt, oatmeal, coconut oil, aloe vera, or lemon juice. 

Apply coffee in moderation. Depending on your skin type and sensitivity, you should not apply coffee on your face more than once or twice a week. 

Coffee can be abrasive and harsh on your skin if used too often. Do a patch test before using coffee. 

You should also avoid applying coffee on open wounds, irritated skin, or around your eyes. 

Do a patch test before using coffee. 

For oily skin, coffee helps absorb excess oil and unclog your pores. 

Mix coffee with some lemon juice, yogurt, or clay to make a face mask that can help reduce acne and brighten your skin.

Dry skin moisturizes and nourishes your skin. 

Mix coffee with some honey, coconut oil, or milk to make a face mask that can help hydrate and soften your skin.

Sensitive skin helps soothe and calm your skin. 

Mix coffee with some oatmeal, aloe vera, or cucumber to make a face mask that can help reduce inflammation and irritation.

Normal skin improves your skin health. 

Mix coffee with any of the abovementioned ingredients or experiment with your combinations to make a face mask that can help exfoliate, tone, and rejuvenate your skin.

How To Use Papaya For Home Skincare Remedies

Cucumber ( Acne-Prone, Dry & Sensitive skin)

Dry skin, chapped skin, dark circles? Include cucumbers not only in your diet but also in your beauty regimen. 

Cucumber has the same pH level as our skin, making it an excellent natural remedy for skin care. 

It helps replenish the skin’s protective layer and retain moisture, thereby promoting glowing skin. 

Place cucumber slices on your eyes for a refreshing and soothing experience, as often seen in magazines and TV. 

You can also extract cucumber juice by grinding it in a mixer and applying it to your skin to benefit from its hydrating and nourishing properties.

Milk ( Oily, Acne Prone, and Dry skin)

Tyrosine, the melanin-controlling hormone, leads to the darkening of the skin. 

Milk controls the level of Tyrosine in the skin and promotes a skin full of glow. 

Raw milk is one of the most uncomplicated, accessible ingredients for getting good-looking skin.

You can apply raw milk to your skin, mix it with other ingredients, and form a paste.

Papaya (Dry skin)

Here’s a piece of information that you might find helpful. 

There is a secret ingredient in this product that can work wonders for your skin and liver, and that ingredient is called papain. 

Papain is known for its skin-lightening properties and can help reduce blemishes and scars when applied to them. 

Additionally, papaya is a gentle exfoliator that helps remove dead and inactive protein cells from the skin. 

With regular use, this ingredient can give you outstanding results and keep your skin looking young, healthy, and glowing. 

Also, be put in a mixer grinder, and the paste can be applied generously on the skin.

How To Use Lemon & Yoghurt (Skin Type- All) For Home Skincare Remedies

Yogurt is rich in lactic acid, which is good for our skin. Yogurt moisturizes our skin and reduces wrinkles and fine lines. 

It also helps in reducing tan and dark circles. It improves skin elasticity and keeps it glowing.

Yoghurt also helps in soothing sunburns. It prevents the development of acne.

Consuming yogurt is good for our skin. Apply it directly on the skin using cotton, leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash it with cold water.

Yogurt has various applications in skincare and can be utilized to create a range of facial packs. 

One can mix ingredients like oats, honey, lemon, and yogurt for beneficial face packs.

Lemon (Skin Type- Oily & Acne-prone Skin)

Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and citric acid. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts collagen production, which helps maintain the skin’s elasticity. 

In addition, it lightens the skin and moisturizes it, making it an excellent solution for darkened knees and elbows.

Lemons have antibacterial properties that help prevent infections and acne while detoxifying our bodies.

Drinking lemonade is a great way to boost immunity, detoxify the body, and keep the skin glowing and hydrated.

If you wish to apply lemon on your skin, please perform a patch test initially.

Don’t apply directly on the face, says Dr Aanchal Panth.

Mix lemon juice and water in a 2:3 ratio to prepare a skin-friendly solution. 

Apply it gently to your skin with a cotton pad and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat dry. 

Moreover, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet alongside these skincare practices for healthy and glowing skin is essential.

Home Remedies That Can Harm The Skin

Lemon is used on the face to lighten dark spots but can sensitize the skin to the sun. 

This can make your skin appear darker. it may be okay to use lemon occasionally on other body parts, but never use it on the face. 

Alternative: Use a serum containing kojic acid or alpha arbutin instead to reduce dark spots. 

Garlic 🧄 

Garlic is used on acne, moles, or skin tags. It can cause chemical burns. It is too irritating for the skin. 

It makes acne worse by damaging the skin barrier. 

It doesn’t work on moles, and it will only burn the upper layer of skin, and the mole is usually deeper. Please do not use garlic on your skin. 

Alternative: Use acne patches or salicylic acid spot treatment for acne. Moles and skin tags are best removed at a dermatologist clinic as topical treatments do not work. 


Ice can feel soothing on irritated skin but can also dry the skin out. It may help in temporarily shrinking open pores. 

Always wrap an ice cube in a towel before applying it to the skin. Never use it directly. And do not put it on for extended periods. 

Use 10 secs on and 10 secs off technique to ensure you are not harming the skin. 

Alternative: using a green tea bag or a cold spoon is safer for depuffing and reducing redness. 

Steam ♨️

Steam is popular due to its soothing, warm effect on the skin. It is not beneficial. 

Steam inhalation works well if you have a stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, or nasal allergies. 

Use an appliance that only covers the nose and mouth versus the one that covers the whole face. 

Steam may be helpful in removing blackheads and whiteheads. It can dry out skin and exacerbate rosacea, melasma, and dark spots.


Skincare home remedies are a great way to achieve healthy and flawless skin with natural ingredients that you can find in your home. 

They are easy, affordable, and effective and can also provide a relaxing and enjoyable experience. 

If you have any skin condition or allergy, consult your doctor before using any skincare home remedy. 

Remember, natural does not always mean safe; what works for others may not work for you. 

Experiment with different ingredients and recipes, and find out what suits your skin best. Happy skincare!