Soap Making

How Soap Is Made From Fat

How Soap Is Made From Fat

How Soap Is Made From Fat? Soap results from the reaction between a fatty substance and another alkaline substance (sodium hydroxide or caustic soda: NaOH). This reaction is called saponification. This process involves converting oils or fats into soap and glycerin with the help of an alkali solution, such as sodium hydroxide (for solid soap)

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When Soap Gets Into Your Eyes

When Soap Gets Into Your Eyes

What happens when soap gets into your eyes? It’s an unpleasant experience. I, for one, shout whenever I’m in such a situation. Soap, a staple of cleanliness and hygiene, can sometimes find its way into the eyes, causing discomfort and irritation. Whether it’s accidental splashes during handwashing or shampoo mishaps in the shower, dealing with

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