Does Soap Make Hair Grow 

Does Soap Make Hair Grow

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Does soap make a hair grow? No! Even though explicitly designed for hair care, shampoos do not directly impact hair growth.

Soap and shampoo are cleansing agents. Numerous myths and misconceptions exist about what can stimulate hair growth in hair care.

These beliefs include frequent trims, trendy magic hair growth products seen on social media, pills for hair growth, rice water, and caffeine shampoo.

But why didn’t any of it work? The majority of those things actually don’t grow your hair out; they are just trends that people are trying to get you to spend money on. 

To hack the hair growth hack, you must understand that the hair growth cycle is unique to everyone and is in cycles or stages. 

If you don’t manage each stage well and apply the necessary product, you will feel like your hair isn’t growing, which is false.

Let’s delve into the science behind hair growth and the impact of soap on your hair.

Understanding Hair Growth

Hair growth occurs in three stages: the anagen (growth) phase, the catagen (transition) phase, and the telogen (resting) phase. Read more on reasons for hair loss.

The anagen phase (starter phase) can last from 3 to 10 years, and it’s during this time that your hair grows. 

Your cells multiply all over your follicle, and your hair grows out all over the place. However, the critical part is that the cycle length differs for everyone. 

Some people’s anagen phase lasts about seven years. That means every hair on their head has had seven years to grow before it falls out. 

However, other people might have a much shorter cycle, which is only about three years, so their hair only has three years to get long.

The key here is that the longer your cycle, the more time your hair has to get long. 

Furthermore, factors like age, hair type, overall health, and genetics significantly affect how fast and how much your hair grows.

The next phase is catagen (when hair starts to go dormant). Your hair follicle begins to go dormant and shrink, but it doesn’t fall out yet.

The telogen phase is where the hair falls out. This is a not-so-fun part. 

Alright, so why does all this matter? At this point, when your hair growth resets and you start the cycle over again, you have a fresh growth phase to work with. 

If your hair isn’t reaching the length you desire, you may be inadvertently making errors during this stage, resulting in significant length loss.

Why did I say length instead of growth? Because, during the antigen phase, your hair is constantly growing. You don’t need to focus on that it’s a waste. 

As a hair stylist, one of my clients I helped get long hair was blonde. 

Due to her intolerance of any visible dark roots against her blonde hair, she routinely had her roots touched up.

One fateful day, with her hair still short, she expressed frustration at the seemingly impossible task of growing it out despite her persistent efforts.

I reminded her that her hair, which never extends beyond her shoulders, is actually growing at a healthy pace. This growth necessitates frequent root touch-ups.

For a second, she just kind of stared at me, but then it clicked for her, and she’s like, Oh yeah, if my roots are constantly growing out, my hair is growing, but if it’s growing so much, why isn’t my hair getting long? 

She was making some mistakes during the antigen phase, which is a common occurrence. Fortunately, these mistakes are easily rectified.

The problem was that she would bleach her hair and not care for it properly as it grew. The focus should be on maintaining the hair so it is healthy and moisturized.

Does soap make your hair grow faster?

No! Soap and shampoo are agents. No scientific evidence supports the idea that soap promotes hair growth. 

In fact, using regular soap on your hair might do more harm than good. 

While some soap bars contain natural ingredients like essential oils or botanicals that may benefit the hair, it’s important to remember that these are not substitutes for products specifically formulated for hair care.

Most soaps have an alkaline pH, which disrupts the natural acidity of the scalp and hair. 

Using soap on your hair strips away natural oils, leading to dryness and brittleness. 

It can also damage the hair’s natural keratin, weakening it and making it more susceptible to breakage.

Dried and damaged hair is prone to breakage, and the longer it is on your head, the more damaged it gets. After a certain length, the hair just can’t hold on.

How can I speed up hair growth?

Various factors, including genetics, diet, hair care practices, and overall health, influence hair growth. 

Now that we understand the dynamics of hair growth, instead of trying hard to get your hair to grow, which it’s already doing, we will focus on strengthening the hair.

During the antigen phase, we intend to achieve a remarkable level of strength, ensuring no breakage or loss of length.

That way, your hair can grow to its maximum potential even if you weren’t blessed with the genetics of having a long energy cycle.

1. Healthy Diet: Keratin, a protein, is the primary component of hair.  

To promote hair growth, consume a protein-rich diet like lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts.

Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins such as A, C, D, E, and vitamin B7(biotin), as well as minerals like zinc and iron and supplements, are essential for hair health. 

Foods rich in these nutrients include leafy greens, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. 

Lastly, Omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fats that nourish hair, can be found in fatty fish like salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds, which you can incorporate into your diet.

2. Proper Hair Care:  Wash your hair 2-3 times weekly to keep it clean. Add an anti-dandruff shampoo. Use 1-2 weekly.

Even dandruff in the mildest form can lead to micro-inflammation and unhealthy hair, potentially contributing to hair thinning.

Regularly use a conditioner to keep your hair moisturized and reduce breakage. Additionally, use a mask once a week (Moroccan oil). 

If you need to get more familiar with masks, they’re basically super-conditioners. Conditioners are one of the superficial sides. 

They get the outside layer of your hair looking excellent and reasonable. But masks are much more robust and add moisture to the inside of your hair. 

Conditioners are essential and an excellent way to keep your hair strong and healthy during the beginning of the Anagen phase.

Limit the use of heat-styling tools and chemical processing. Sometimes, hair thinning isn’t always hair loss but hair shaft breakage. 

Trim your hair 2-3 times a year to remove split ends, which can prevent breakage and make hair appear to grow faster. 

In the 80s, they came up with the idea that cutting hair made it grow faster. And a lot of stylists still repeat the same thing today. 

Even though it’s not true, the myth only became popular in the 80s when people noticed that if you cut your hair four to six inches shorter, it would start growing again. 

The problem is that it would only grow again to the same point where it stopped before you cut it. 

And we know that it grew to that length and then stopped because that’s where the hair started getting weak, breaking off, and turning into dust. 

Going back and forth between these two links doesn’t make your hair longer; it wastes time and money for haircuts. 

The natural way to grow your hair past that limit is to stop cutting it and improve your routine to strengthen your hair. So, it can grow way longer before it starts to break off. 

3. Scalp Health: Massaging your scalp stimulates blood circulation and encourages hair growth. Use your fingertips to massage your scalp for a few minutes daily.

Oils like rosemary, peppermint, and tea tree oil have been shown to promote hair growth. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba oil) and massage into your scalp.

Hair oil creates a protective barrier around the hair, keeping it hydrated and preventing dryness and weakness. 

It also smooths out rough edges, giving hair a shiny appearance. Also, brushing hair frequently does not stimulate hair growth.

Leave-in Conditioner: It will help keep your hair hydrated by forming a lightweight barrier around each hair, making it healthier and shinier. 

The main benefit is that it adds structural integrity to the hair. AKA, your hair will not break off when you have this on.

Individuals frequently get confused when trying to differentiate between a regular conditioner and a leave-in conditioner.

You need regular conditioners to moisturize your hair so it’s shiny and soft. You can feel the difference in your hair when you use it in the shower. 

But if you feel your hair later in the day, you’ll notice that it doesn’t feel nearly as nice as it did in the shower, and the reason for that is that it dried out on you.

But If you use a leave-in conditioner, you won’t lose the moisture or the effect of your conditioner. 

5. Healthy Lifestyle: Drink plenty of water, manage stress, and ensure you get enough sleep. Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on your hair. 

6. Natural Remedies: Aloe vera helps soothe the scalp and condition hair. Apply aloe vera gel directly to your scalp and hair, let it sit for about an hour, and then rinse off.

Additionally, Castor oil helps promote hair growth and is known for its moisturizing properties.

Does washing hair make it grow faster?

Washing your hair, in and of itself, does not directly make your hair grow faster. However, maintaining a clean and healthy scalp creates optimal conditions for hair growth.

Does dry hair grow?

Indeed, dry hair can continue to grow, albeit with potential limitations. Proper hydration and care are essential for optimal hair growth. 

Hair growth occurs at the scalp level, primarily within the hair follicles. Various factors, including genetics, nutrition, and overall health, significantly influence hair growth.

Can hair grow 2 inches in a month?

It is improbable for hair to grow 2 inches in a month under normal circumstances. 

Hair growth rates vary among individuals, but the average hair growth rate is about half an inch (1.25 cm) per month. 

This means that, on average, hair grows about 6 inches (15 cm) per year. However, you can fast-track your hair growth with the tips listed above.


While soap is effective for cleansing the scalp and hair, it does not have properties that directly promote hair growth. 

Maintaining a healthy scalp environment, a balanced diet, and using hair care products specifically designed for your hair type are more effective strategies for encouraging hair growth. 

If you want to enhance hair growth, focus on overall scalp health and consider products and practices that support the natural growth cycle of your hair.